The pictures on this page are scenes from full-action video clips that are hosted by YouTube.  If you click on any picture, you will be linked to that video on YouTube.  To view the video full-screen on YouTube, move your cursor over the video to show the controls at the bottom, then click the full-screen symbol at the right; to cancel full-screen, press Esc. 

Dave sings “It’s a Miracle” during worship 5/7/2017.
The Christmas season in 2016 was full of the joyful spirit of Christ’s birth.
Easter, 2016, music made every service more meaningful.
Kristian, Dwight, and Mette Kathrine Present Danish Folk Music
Kristian, Dwight, and Mette Kathrine perform Danish folk music 2/15/16.
Alton Larson Drawing
The Blair Congregational Church – a typical year of activities and services
Christmas, 2014 was an especially festive season.
Cheryl Baron and Ursula Baumann perform “A Little Concert” July 18, 2013 at the church.

An Excerpt from Manna Performance 4/15/12

Benediction Video
Pastor Shirley Pronounces the Benediction 10/2/11

The choir sings the benediction 5/1/11.

Ethan and Elsie as part of the Christmas Eve Service, 12/24/10

The choir sings, “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,”  9/5/10

The children sang, “I Am the Church,” at the 140th Anniversary celebration.

The choir sang, “How Beautiful,” as part of the 140th Anniversary Celebration.

Dr. Niel Johnson, well-known Harry S. Truman impersonator, spoke as Truman and about the Congregational Church at our 140th Anniversary.

Video 12-09
Because of remodeling in the sanctuary in December of 2009, the Christmas Program was held in the basement.  Here the story of a caretaker who changed his mind about Christmas unfolds.  The toys in the Toy Shop convince him of the importance of the celebration.